
/ Post by M.C.L Design

Making Your Jewelry Work for Your Life

The Purification Stone with Harmonizing Energy

With its stellar purple coloration, the amethyst gemstone has eye-catching qualities. Yet, physical appeal is not the only reason to adorn yourself with jewelry and accessories set with amethyst.

amethystThe amethyst gemstone is an attractive stone, which draws attention for myriad reasons, not least its visible appeal. However, the hidden properties of the stone provide added meaning to the popularity of amethyst.

 Amethyst is believed to be a harmonizing stone, which is worn for spiritual purification and protection. This purple stone, loved by MCL Design jewelry enthusiasts, is said to help cleanse energies and shield the wearer against lower energies and unhealthy environments.Australian amethyst

This high spiritual vibration means that amethyst has a particularly meditative and gently sedative effect. Worn within your jewelry, it can help promote a sense of calm, allow you to feel peace, and lead to contentment.

Historically seen, amethyst is derived from the Greek word ‘amethystos’, meaning ‘uninebriated’. It was strongly believed that the amethyst gemstone helped to overcome temptation and substance addiction, such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as well as to kick other bad habits.

amethyst braceletOften bad habits are formed or sustained from negative emotions, amethyst can help with this, by reducing fear, anxiety, stress and sorrow, due to its energy that is said to lift the spirit and calm the soul. Essentially, this is a detoxifying or purging effect, from negative influences.

Working together with the third-eye and crown chakras, responsible for focus on the big picture and for spiritual connectivity respectively, the amethyst gemstone can positively impact your state of bliss and bring clarity in decision-making.

As a barrier from negative energies, wearing amethyst works to assist in relieving work-related stress too, which, in turn, can increase efficiency. In the long term, amethyst is thought to attract abundance and prosperity.amethyst pendant earrings

Healers note amethyst as a trigger to bolster the immune system. It is best worn close to, or touching, the skin. Try MCL Design rings, earrings and bangles. For the wearer, its healing properties are commented to be beneficial to those suffering from skin ailments and respiratory tract imbalances.

If your sense of intuition and self-belief also require a boost, then amethyst can aid in healing the soul and promoting personal growth and inner strength. Propelling you forward towards happiness, and positively affecting intuition and self-confidence, the amethyst gemstone can help in mending a broken heart, and further the search for a partner with sincere and pure intentions.

amethyst necklaceOnce you break free from a negative cycle, amethyst can further help boost innate or dormant abilities for open and calm communications, which can lead to bonding experiences.

Remember, it’s important to believe in the power of the stone, to reap the benefits! In our next MCL Design blog spot, discover the meaning and power of the moldavite gemstone.amethyst ring